BOOTH ASSIGNMENT PROCEDURE Due to demand to exhibit at AISTech, the opportunity to reserve a booth is determined by a company’s placement on our priority assignment list. |
This list is compiled based on the previous three (3) years:
Show participation/Booth Size
Advertising dollars spent
Sponsorship dollars spent – including AIST Foundation pledges
AIST technical education engagement and support
CUSTOMERS #1 - #100
Based on the above prerequisites, the first 100 customers will be offered assignment prior to 31 May 2025.
Starting in June 2025, customers will be contacted in incremental groups according to our priority list
You will be provided a date and time when you can login and access the Live 2026 Floor Plan
You must reserve space within your assigned window of time in order to take advantage of your priority booth selection
When your window of time expires, you can still reserve space, however the next grouping will gain access to the floor plan
Once all customers on the AIST Priority Assignment List are contacted, the floor plan will be opened up for general sales on a first-come, first-served basis.
For additional information, contact your sales representative at +1.724.814.3000 x2 or email