Products & Services

Find the products & services you need in one location.

►Buyer's Guide

Industry Statistics

Stay informed on U.S. production capacity, imports and inventories.

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AIST Employment Board

Steel industry positions are available on the AIST Employment Board.

►Employment Board

Interactive Steel Wheel

Learn each step of steel production without stepping foot inside of a mill.

►Interactive Steel Wheel


AIST provides a wide range of quality resources that make the exchange of technical knowledge and information possible among steel industry professionals. These resources not only help broaden your industry knowledge, but provide a view into significance of the steel industry.

Additionally, AIST offers an interactive version of the Steel Manufacturing Process (known as the AIST Steel Wheel), Steel Glossary, an Online Buyer's Guide, educational videos, including winning entries to the AIST Real Steel Video Challenge, and industry statistics. The Story of Steel section includes “Steel and You: The Life of Steel,” among other resources, to provide a view into significance of the steel industry.

Broaden your industry knowledge with AIST’s resources.