General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

AIST recognizes principles and requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Union. AIST will, so far as is reasonably practical, comply with the Data Protection Principles contained in the Data Protection Act to ensure all data is:

Fairly and lawfully processed
Obtained and used for specific and clearly stated purposes
Adequate, relevant, and not excessive
Accurate and up-to-date
Not kept for longer than necessary
Processed in accordance with your rights
Not transferred to other countries without adequate protection

What is “Personal Information”

The GDPR aims to protect the “personal data” or personal information of individuals within the EU and covers many processing activities, including collection, storage, consultation, transfer, and destruction, of this data.

Data Collected by AIST

Generally, those who wish to become members, purchase publications, attend conventions, conferences, trade shows, member chapter meetings, technology committee meetings or similar events will register for those events online or over the telephone. During the process of that registration, you share with us personal information about yourself which generally includes contact information, demographics pertaining to your trade or profession, and payment information.

Your Rights

We recognize that all personal information you submit to AIST belongs to you, and that we use your data only with your permission. You have the following specific rights:

  • Informed: We will tell you exactly how we use your data in clear, plain language.

  • Consent: AIST will not store or use your data without your consent.

  • Access and Portability: View and download all personal data AIST may store.

  • Modification: Request changes or updates to any personal data AIST stores.

  • Erasure: Request that AIST purge all personal identifying information at any time.

Should you wish to view, modify, or erase your data, you can make that request by sending an email to or visiting our Members-Only Area.