Iron & Steel Technology

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Special Features Include:Table of Contents
A Team Effort to Solve Strip Surface Quality Issues From Hot Rolling Critical Applications
This paper describes how the results of laboratory tests and their validation, as well as on-site investigations, enabled the development of a new roll shell material. Several tests were carried out with two different lab test configurations simulating the rolling process in a three-disc configuration (strip–work roll–backup roll). This led to the goal of suppressing orange peel formation linked to graphitic high-speed steels. Through the extensive and close collaboration between Eisenwerk Sulzau Werfen R&E Weinberger AG, R&D labs and Tata Steel, an important step was taken in the development of wear-resistant roll materials for sur-face-critical applications.
Best Practices for Planning and Executing Brownfield Projects
This article will discuss best practices for developing and executing brownfield projects. It will lay out the critical risks and considerations that must be considered for brownfield projects in an operating facility. Best practices based on recent project successes in mitigating these risks and challenges will be reviewed. They will focus on how to develop and deliver these projects safely, on time, and within budget while achieving a successful start-up and meeting project objectives.
Bearing Selection to Improve Gearbox Reliability
Selecting proper bearings is critical to maximizing gearbox life, reliability and mill production. The heavy-duty requirements placed on mill gearboxes, and therefore their bearings, drive the need for highly detailed bearing selection. This article covers several types of gearboxes seen in steel mills and provides direction for selecting the optimum bearing types for the various mill gearbox applications.
Application of Hot Rolling Lubricants to the Backup Rolls on Çolakoğlu Finishing Mill and the Comparison With General Work Roll Gap Lubrication Method
Çolakoğlu’s hot strip mill (C HSM), which started up production in 2010, was capable of producing approxi-mately 3.0 million tons per year of hot-rolled coil. Since one-third of its production is materials less than 2 mm thick and steel market quality needs are getting higher consistently, C HSM has extended the rolling lubrication system, which was previously installed in F2–6 rolling stands in the first installation of the facility to all (F1–7) of the rolling stands in the first phase. Following that, C HSM has carried out backup lubrication experiments in accordance with many targets such as stability during rolling, improving product surface and profile quality, reducing energy consumption, increasing roller life, reducing roll consumption, and reducing roller change stops. Çolakoğlu HSM has made a specific design for the backup roll lubrication and suc-cessfully applied it in both the early and late stands of the finishing mill (F1–7) and has achieved significant gains through implementation.